This piece of article was published in : The Hindu.
The bodies of widows who die in government-run shelter homes in Vrindavan are taken away by sweepers at night, cut into pieces, put into jute bags and disposed of as the institutions do not have any provision for a decent funeral. This, too, is done only after the inmates give money to the sweeper!
The terms of reference also included ascertaining whether there were peculiar family circumstances which led to abandonment of the women by their families or children which was actionable under Section 24 of the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007.
In most cases widows are denied remarriage even after the death of their husband in childhood or young age. While some are forced to leave the marital home and native place by the family members just to avoid maintenance in old age and bearing the burden of a non-productive family member, many others leave their homes due to physical and mental torture.
The report details the plight of these women, some of whom get a monthly pension of Rs. 300 and a measly quantity of food grain and sugar which is woefully inadequate for survival. As a result, they are forced to beg and sing in temples from where they can earn two or three rupees a day.
Oh Humanity, Where Art Thou?
A blogger writes with regards to the above article published in The Hindu, that relationships are mercenary. In any dynamic everyone is looking for their benefit. Though it is a disturbing critique on the society at large but it does not fail to highlight what is the truth in today's society or the truth of societal dynamics which have always prevailed.
Since this article has been published, I can not even imagine human beings being made to suffer like that. Why do they need to suffer so much? Because they are not privileged? Yes we can pass the blame game, we can say that the government is not doing their jobs right. But we are a huge country. Leaving aside all the red tapism and bureaucracy at play, managing such a major population is no joke.
We all have high moral values but what do we do about it? Why are we becoming so selfish? We do not have an answer for this because we are too entrenched in material benefits which we can only enjoy if we put in certain efforts towards earning money.
I have taught children, I have dealt with AIDS stricken prostitutes but I always saw them smile. Yes, they are the bane of the society but to sell your body off for 50 bucks!!!!???? I do not think they enjoy it. We need to take a stand, a stand here would not mean leaving our comfortable lives but a stand to make the people of our generation aware that such things prevail.
People will argue, do we not know that these things prevail? Yes, you do know my friend but you know it only in terms of a happening. You do not know the pain each individual suffers. You do not know the grim truths and facts which drives the lives of thos who cant even afford to live in a slum. Be aware and spread this awareness. Doing this will be enough if you are not ready to get your hands dirty.
A special mention to my friend, Sanjay Pratyush, who makes it a point to teach children who cant afford education. Yes, its the basest and easist of voluntary services but this is what you call a start.A start which makes little children smile. It is a symbol, a symbol of hope. A symbol which stays......
When the blogger said all relationships are mercenary just remember the love a parent fels for his/her child. A parent's love will always be without malice and without wanting anything in return. Let us all keep these little things alive and try to work towards change.
A change which moves beyond our petty little jealousies and unfulfilled wishes. A change where no widow has to be hacked into pieces cause the government cant afford to cremate them.
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