Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Myths About Being Single

People have prejudices about being single.  Almost nothing positive is ever assumed if a person is single.  Our own negative attitudes lead to fears and anxieties about being single.  That is why a positive attitude is your first line of defense.It’s easy to believe that being single is boring, depressing, unfulfilling, and a negative experience that one should avoid.  These unrealistic statements only serve to make the problem some have with being single worse.  If you believe such statements, then you have probably pursued relationships for the wrong reasons.  Remember that you have to be happy with yourself first.  However, it’s difficult not to buy into these myths.  The first step is to recognize the myths and realize they are not true. Then we have the opportunity to resist them by being examples of happy singles.  Think about your prejudices towards being single. What negative thoughts do you have?

• Being Single brings about loneliness

This is simply not the case. The only single people who claim to be lonely are those who choose to be lonely.  One of the reasons why singleness seems so scary is because of the term itself:  Single. Sounds like a swear word.  It creates the image of a lone person, going through life with no friends and no family.  “Being single” only means the lack of a marriage or dating partner.  To call yourself lonely when all you lack is one person in your life is FUCKING STUPID.  A lonely single is actually a selfish single because their focus is on themselves instead of on others.:-)

• A relationship enhances the feel good factor.

A relationship is not an insurance policy for happiness, satisfaction, or fulfillment.  A relationship will not magically solve or cover up your problems.  Forget about all the perfect-couple images painted by the media.  Relationships actually magnify existing problems and create new ones.  Part of being in a relationship is learning how to solve problems.  If you can't solve problems on your own, you won't be able to do so with someone else.

If you don’t feel good about yourself, then you need to work on that before seeking a relationship, as people generally don’t look for someone with low self-esteem.  One of the key points that I state here several times is that you must be happy with yourself first.   Relationships can't be all "take" - you have to give as well.  Expecting someone else to fill your voids usually results in disappointment, a sense of failure, and resentment.  The way you feel about yourself is apparent to others, and if you seek a relationship hoping that the other person will somehow improve you, you will actually end up driving that person away.  You have to be happy with yourself before you can expect to get along with others.  If you believe that you cannot be happy on your own, you will be less confident and more dependent on others for your happiness.

If you feel trapped by singleness and are looking for someone to rescue you, then you need to first work on becoming content as a single person and gaining more confidence in yourself.  Become successful as a single first before worrying about success in relationships. Don’t make your happiness dependent on whether you are in a relationship or not.  Life is too short to spend a majority of it feeling depressed over something within your control.  You already have the key to unlock the singleness trap.

• If I’m single and can’t find anyone that means I’m a failure.

Being single can be very unsettling and can certainly make people ask themselves, “Is there something wrong with me?”  The answer is no.  Every one of us has something wrong with them.  Nobody on this planet is perfect.

Failing at something does not make you a failure.  Regardless of how many times you have attempted and failed, it does not mean anything is wrong with you.  It simply means that there are changes that need to be made.  However, you should try to look at what you have done and make an effort to change what you know isn’t working.  Use this time to take an inventory of yourself and see if there are any personal areas you think you could improve in.

One site I came across used the analogy of a baby trying stand up by himself, hanging onto a table leg, and can't stand up. He tries it many times, many ways, until he can stand up.  The result is that everyone around is proud of the baby accomplishing his goal. If the baby had not achieved the goal of standing up, would you  think there was something wrong with the baby?  Would you think he was a failure?  So, why do we as adults think that we are failures when we find something harder to do later on in life?  Just like a baby can learn the new concept of standing on his own, you can learn the new concept of being happy as a single person.

• Singleness is a waiting period

This may be true for some, but it’s not an across-the-board fact.  If this is made the main focus of singleness, it actually becomes overwhelming.  You may have heard the term “waiting for the ship to come in.”  That creates the fallacy that one day, you will find that special person and then your life will suddenly become meaningful.  The idea of “waiting” can give you the false impression that something is missing.  This can have a serious negative impact on your life.  You may put off certain plans and aspects of your life until you happen to meet someone.  As time goes on, you’ll realize that you have been wasting your life away.  It may get to the point where your only goal in life is to find someone, and you'll find yourself feeling unmotivated to take care of other things.  Don’t put your life on hold just because you are single.  You are the only one that decides how you will live your life.  You can make the most of it, or you can let it waste away; it’s your choice.  None of us knows what is going to happen in the future, and if you are presently single, this is a time of opportunity for you.  Your singleness is what you make of it.  It can be a good experience if you want it to be.  So, instead of wasting time just waiting around for the “right one”, use your time as a single to get to know the person that is responsible for making you happy – that’s you.

• Accepting singleness is giving up or admitting defeat.

Accepting singleness is not a defeat; it’s a victory.  Despite the way it sounds, accepting singleness does not mean resigning the rest of your life to an unhappy state of being single.  Accepting singleness means that you have conquered your fears and anxieties about being single.  It shows that you do not buy into the myths and stereotypes about being single.  It is not easy to accept singleness and many people think they can’t do it, or will even refuse to do it.  Lastly, and most importantly, it means that you are happy with who you are.

• There are no advantages to being single.

As much as I didn’t want to use tired old clichés in here, the saying “every cloud has a silver lining” applies here.  Remember that there are two sides to being single.  As I mentioned earlier, it's easy to focus exclusively on the negative aspects of being single.  This can lead us to the false notion that there are no advantages to being single.  The fact of the matter is that there are advantages to being single.

To be Contd.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

How to LIVE and relieve stress

Helping others to deal with stress can be sometimes challenging, rewarding, and often therapeutic for all involved.

If you have the opportunity to talk with a friend about stress they are dealing with, listening is the key to truly being successful. Make sure you do not make them feel as though you are trying to tell them what to do or how they could have done or be doing things better than what they are doing. Most people resent someone from the outside looking in who does not truly understand the situation telling them how things need to be handled. Make sure you do not phrase things as, "if I were you I would have handled things this way." If your opinion is asked about what you think about a certain situation, make sure you use tact and gracefulness in your responses. Using tact and showing empathy to an individual works wonders when it comes to truly helping them to feel better about their situation. They will come to respect you even more as a friend and you will also gain a confidant when you may need one later down the road when a stressful situation comes your way.

Empathy may best be described as "your pain in my heart." You actually listen and take the feelings of someone else into account and think about and feel how it would affect you personally. Putting yourself in the shoes of someone else can help temper your responses if you feel strongly about an issue they may be dealing with. The "golden rule" comes into play here as well. Think about how you would want someone to listen and help you if you came to them with a problem or stress you are struggling with. Always thinking about things in this way helps to keep the conversation in perspective. You are there to listen and help, not dictate and determine the outcome of a situation someone is dealing with.

Helping others for me is the ultimate stress buster, there is nothing more beautiful than making a person happy. Its not always necessary that you have to know the person, it can be a random act of empathy or kindness.It's a game of pay-it-forward: anonymously make someone smile with an act of kindness, leave behind a card asking them to keep the ripple going. It's easy and fun.

Its true that the more joy you share the more happier one becomes. I have myself dealt with others stress and felt better, I have made people smile and smiled with them forgetting my worries and my insecurities. The key to a happy life is to be happy, sometime pampering yourself is not enough. I hear people say you need a 'me' time and though it is not such a bad idea but there is so much to do out there, so much joy to spread , so many people to be made happy.

When people need your help, they'll most likely ask you first, but if you have the chance, try to offer to help before they ask you. This'll show that you were willing to help from the start. For example, if you see a friend struggling to carry groceries, offer to help. Or if you see them getting bullied, help stand up. Or if you see them getting pushed down or beaten, ask "Are you all right?" and help them up. Then try to cheer them up. Believe me, helping people will always make you feel better because it's the right thing to do.

Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Being compassionate can give you a strong reason to help someone else. It can also show people that you really do care about someone.

Volunteer or donate. Being in charitable organizations is a great way to help the less fortunate, like donating food or money to the poor.

Think about what might happen if you don't. More people will feel more miserable if you just leave them when they need you, and you don't want to see people unhappy, do you? Don't stress yourself too much, but it's always nice to lend a hand.

Monday, 29 August 2011

Schindler's list and The Power of Letting Go!!!

I was watching Schindler's list the other day and Ralph Fiennes plays the commandant in a slave camp. His hobby is to shoot people in the head for every whim he has.

When he is introduced in the movie the first thing he does is to hire attractive jewish maids to take care of his villa. Seconds later he is shown waking up besides a naked german girl. He gets his gun and walks down to the balcony checking with his scope and killing atleast 3 people.

He just points, focusses on idle people and shoots them. His notoriety travels, he is spoken ill off but in hushed tones . Once he is having a party and invited Oscar Schindler(Liam Neeson) and he is so drunk he keeps falling. He tells Neeson that "you are always in control, with control comes power" to which Neeson replies " that is not power, power is choice. When you know you can do something and get away with it and you still let it go" " you forgive without raining punishment, that is true power".

He tries to change himself, tries to let go... but he does not have the power over himself to LET GO of the urge to exercise punishment unto others. He shoots a kid for not cleaning his tub and then is hung for war crimes.

I read somewhere when the tightly packed petals of the rosebud let go, the rose blossoms.

I have found that confusion often clouds the subject of letting go. Many dedicated seekers of spiritual truth seem to stumble on this point. We all let go naturally to a certain extent. We let go and allow life force to flow. We release our hold and let the divine forces act in our lives. Good always comes from this.

We all resist it, too. We try to control everything. Like a fish trying to control the tide, we tress and strain in an attempt to use our muscles to keep life on track. We seem to think it is our job to keep the planets spinning. We try to CONTROL the MOTIVES of OTHER PEOPLE. We try to run life the way we think it should be run. Frustration and fatigue usually come from this.

Everyone knows that if you are holding something precious and you let go, it will drop and possibly break. Gravity has us well trained. You will often hear the cry, "Don't let go!" It is the motto of the physical world and it is a valuable dictum in its realm. If you are carrying a beautiful, handmade ceramic bowl that a dear friend crafted just for you and you "let go," gravity will step in before you can achieve enlightenment and carry you into sadness as you suffer the loss of your bowl.

So we can see why we don't think it's a very good idea to let go. It seems like it will give us broken bowls, missed appointments and a generally chaotic life if we let go.

Buddhist teachings expose the problem of grasping. Teachings of the Science of Mind in the essential stage of prayer marked by RELEASE. In fact, it seems most spiritual teachings not only mention, but emphasize the importance of letting go. Is it that they want us to break all our bowls?

Faith in Something Greater

The letting go lesson has nothing to do with bowls and phone numbers. It defies gravity and entropy. The message encoded in the words "let go" is one of trust. When we let go, we have faith that the planets will continue to spin in their orbits without our help.

By joyously letting go, we find that gravity has an invisible partner. And as reliable as gravity is when it comes to bringing things to the earth, its partner is as reliable in bringing good outcomes. It is a force, greater than us, acting whether we are aware of it or not. It acts when we hold on and when we let go. It acts when we are alert and when we are asleep. This force is always moving things in the direction of the greatest good. It is moving "heaven and earth" for the fulfillment of your heart's desire. It is answering your prayers without ceasing. It is, like gravity, tireless in its enthusiastic embrace of its role in the scheme of things.

When we let go of the bowl, gravity gets hold of it and takes it to the ground. When we let go of our dreams and desires, this other tremendous force comes in like a wind. It carries our dreams to fulfillment. It guides our hands, moves our thoughts, leads us to greater and greater fulfillment.

Letting go DOES NOT MEAN GIVING UP. The lesson is not one of learning to live a meager life, satisfied with crumbs. Letting go means, rather than trying to blow in your sails, let the wind carry you and see how far you go. It means rather than trying to manipulate others, enjoy them just as they are and be amazed at how their beauty shines through. It means rather than trying to control all outcomes, make it your work to open the pathways for the energy to flow and see how magnificently your dreams take form.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Kyunki Har Ek Friend Zaroori Hota Hai

Most of us know from experience that having good friends can make our lives richer, but research now shows that our friends may also increase our longevity. The same isn't true for our relatives.People with extensive networks of good friends and confidantes outlived those with the fewest friends by 22 percent. The positive effects of friendships on longevity continued throughout the decade, regardless of other profound life changes such as the death of a spouse or other close family members.

Friends may also help us get through difficult times in our lives, by offering coping mechanisms and having a positive effect on mood and self-esteem.

The crux of the matter is that maintaining a sense of social embeddedness through friends and family is very important for survival, and it seems that non-kin relationships are particularly important. I feel its cause we take our families for granted. We can choose are friends but not our family thats how the saying goes but one should understand that if your in trouble your family will stand by you. Family can be treated as you treat your friends too, making an effort is what that counts.

When we were very small, we realized that having friends was important to us. Some of us even had imaginary friends or our beloved pets became our intimate pals. Sometimes, even our teddies and other stuffed animals snuggled with us at night and listened to our dreams and secrets.I was frenz with He-man and I had hacked off its legs the first day i got it.... the amputee He man is still there in my drawer.. somewhere. The need for friends continued as we grew into our teens and began to find our own identities. Friends were a big part of forming our personalities and supporting who we had become. As adults, it is still important for us to have friends. Our spouses often are our most intimate friends. But friends, outside of family bonds, can be our greatest comfort and allies.

Friends are people who like us in spite of our faults and who listen to us and tell us the truth. Friends support our decisions and tell us when we are just being an idealist. They laugh with us and share our grief. The best part in sharing our grief will be the sympathise they do not empathise. It would not make me wretched if i say out loud that yes sometimes i do need people to pity me. It does not make me a smaller person. They are companions and share our interests. They argue with us and stimulate our minds. They are people we aren't afraid of telling our secret wishes to or what is really on our minds.

You don't have to have many friends. Sometimes, one good, true friend is all you need. At other times, it's good to have a group of friends so you can be a part of the bond among you without having to work so hard at friendship. You all then share a part of the duties of being friends. Sometimes, you're the one at the center of attention. At other times, you can just go along. But all of you are loyal to each other and help each other when you can.

When your in time of stress you want someone to shake you and tell you that everything will be alright.... these are the bare facts; even if it hurts you still accept it and come with me I will show you a good time.Friends offer acceptance and emotional support. They also help occasionally with the practical aspects of day-to-day living, cooking a meal (or taking you out), helping with chores, or giving you a lift when you need one. Friends also are there to offer advice, an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on. Friendships help us feel connected and less isolated. My childhood friend Abhishek Roy will always amuse me and share a smoke with me no matter how late he is working. And I unbashedly take it for granted. Similarly another childhood friend Shomik Dutt will drive 40kms just to share a few laughs. Man what will I ever do without these people.

Friends also help us reduce stress. Not only do they listen to us when we need to vent, but they also provide much needed diversion from what is stressing us. Participating in shared interests and activities with friends helps us forget about problems at work or at home. For a brief time, we can lose ourselves in a pleasant activity and perhaps laugh and breathe easier.

This post is dedicated to all my friends who stood by me forever in the time of need and at the time when i thought they are just annoying me.

A special dedication to:-

Abhishek Roy
Shomik Dutt
Gaurav Shukla
Tanvi Jalan
Priya Verma
Ridhi Sharma
Kartik Khattar
Shailesh Pradeep

Thank you for being there.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Birthday's are very Special

It's my friend's birthday today.

As happens every year, I start to get the birthday goosebumps as summer arrives, the big number (and every year it seems a bigger number even though it only goes up by an increment of one!) looms on the horizon and I face a sort of existential crisis. It strikes me that there is a vital error somewhere; my legal age bears no resemblance to how old I actually feel. Not only that, but time seems to have escaped me. Where did all those years go?

But on the day itself, I feel nothing when am alone and pure joy when I am with my special people. How fickle we human beings are! We dread/enjoy something and then enjoy/dread it when it comes. The truth is I dont resent getting older but I love celebrating with friends and family. I was on a call till late at night with a friend who shares her birthday today. I generally feel ecstatic when i wake up on my birthday to hear the first text messages buzz on my phone, friends calling up and singing an extremely raucous versions of happy birthday — and there is bound to be more to come. Each is more out of tune than the previous one making me guffaw with laughter. I know the messages will come; yet I am still touched by everyone that remembers.

It’s not just my own birthday. I love other peoples’ birthdays too. What I appreciate is the chance to celebrate that someone is among us. It is the one day of the year when you get to say to someone I am really glad that you were born, I am really glad you are alive and well, I hope you live a long and happy life. It’s corny I know but we don’t let the people we care about know often enough just how important they are to us. Of course, it is something we should be doing on a daily basis and I agree with those who say why celebrate just on that one day, every day should be a celebration of life, but I still think birthdays are special, because they help focus attention on that one person for that one day.

The only problem is the number on the cake. As a child you just want that number to get bigger and bigger. You are not seven but seven and a half! Whereas as adults being called just one year older is a grievous insult. It’s all part of the cult of youth, an over-rated cult since those supposed best days of our life were not so great really (would you really like to be a teenager again?) and life does get better with age. But none of us want to look older. Wrinkles and receding hairlines can be distinguished but who wants to be distinguished when you can be gorgeous? And we all hanker after that vitality of youth. More than anything getting older makes us more aware of our own mortality, something that we’d rather not think about.

In particular it’s those landmark birthdays that are tough on morale so I was very amused to learn on Wikipedia the idea of celebrating monthly birthdays. Essentially you forget the month and just focus on the day, in my friend's case the number 26 since she was born on 26th August. This gives the chance of celebrating round numbers like 300 months (25 in years) but also more interesting numbers like 333 (27.75 in years) or 3-2-1 also called the blast off birthday... You get the celebration but with less of the pressure of one year older! I think it’s a fabulous idea. I am seriously thinking of having a big party on Sept. 27th this year to celebrate my next interesting number!

Birthdays may seem a little frivolous on the surface. In my experience it is something essentially for children.My father didn’t care for them and still has confusion remembering his own birthday. The first time he was faced with the question at work in New delhi, he chose the day’s date. The office people wished him a happy birthday!

There is often some distaste too for what is seen as more superstition than something worthy of celebration, but I treat birthday superstitions in the same way as I treat all superstition: I look for the grain of logic from which it came. So, for instance, I will not celebrate my birthday ahead of time. The superstition is that it causes bad luck. The logic is that you cannot celebrate something that has not happened yet. To put it in religious terms, celebrating your birthday a few days early means you are assuming you will reach that milestone whereas God may choose to take you at any time of His choosing. The superstition reminds you not to take life for granted, just as celebrating a birthday is about giving thanks for life.

There is something so optimistic about it, reminding you of just how much people think about you and care about what happens to you. Birthdays are important, they are not, as one morbid friend put it, about “one year gone, one year less to go” but about taking stock of where we’re at and being thankful for the gift of life. There are plenty of difficult moments in life, so when your birthday comes along, remember what it felt like to wake up on your birthday as a child and hold on to that joy. And, oh, don’t forget the presents!

Happy Birthday Anika Verma.. God Bless you :)

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

How LOVE turns into HATE ?

Intense love, if not fruitful definitely turns to hate for a certain period of time. That certain period is not known by anyone. There are people who would like to block all the memories in the pursuit of moving on, moving on would mean purging yourself from all emotion regarding that person be it good or bad.

There are people who confront, shout, repent and feel it will help them in letting go of the negative emotions which will end up hurting them and their lives only.

There are people who feed on this hatred, no matter what; that anger and hatred drives them. Such people might end up over achieving on everything but they can never be truly happy because there goals were set on a negative mindframe. A diseased framework can never sustain a healthy structure on top of it. It will become diseased too.

I have personally been hated by many people and hated people in turn. What baffles me is the paradox of lack of emotion and intense emotion living together in our heart.

Its all in the mindset... love can turn into hate because of love.. because you love that person so much and if you betray them you're hurt and you want to hate them.. if you dont love a person and they betray you then you could care less but if you love them somehow you turn it into hate when its actually love that got you there.

Hate is an extreme emotion like love.... with regards to relationship one can hate as passionately as one has loved. But that hate is self destructive. With time people move on then why not try and help yourself, purging your hatred is all about accepting what is and moving on. Its not simple but there are two options 1) try to move on or 2) walk down a self destructive path.

Love doesn't turn into hate. It leaves and then hate comes in. But hate is not a good thing to have against someone.Now you can hate what a person is doing but not the person. We
must love everyone and show it everyday. You don't have to be in love with the person, just love them anyways from a distance if they hurt you. But always forgive no matter what. I don't care how long it takes to forgive, just forgive and let it go. Harboring ones issues will make you sick. So whoever you are mad at just get away from them.

Its all in the mindset;love can turn into hate because of love. Because you love that person so much and if you betray them you're hurt and you want to hate them, if you dont love a person and they betray you then you could care less but if you love them somehow you turn it into hate when its actually love that got you there.

And yes its reversible, you just need time to heal, you need to accept the facts, and learn to let go and learn not to hold on to that hate... trust me its a waste of energy.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Healing Your Heartbreak

You can surf the Internet for weeks and buy every self-help book on the shelf, but you are going to be hard pressed to find anything that will really give you the secret to healing a broken heart. The "clinical" will advise you to dive into a deep period of self-evaluation and improvement. The "bitter" will try and fire you up with general hatred for the opposite sex and the "optimists" will always tell you, "don't worry--Mr. Right is still out there." However, when the pain of a broken heart is ravaging your body any words of wisdom seem more like trying to talk a virus out of creating an infection. Just like there is no magical drug that can cure a virus, you have no other choice but to let your broken heart just run its course.

The symptoms of "heartbreak" manifest themselves differently in every individual. While most men find comfort in distractions like work and sports, most women need the relief of tears and talking. However, heartbreak doesn't always differentiate itself by gender. There are plenty of men who have buried themselves under a comforter for days after losing the love of their life and there are plenty of women who spent years in denial--avoiding serious relationships for fear of getting hurt.

It is always amazing how one person can affect your life so dramatically simply by ceasing to be a part of it. If you think about it logically, breakups shouldn't even be painful at all. You were a functional person before you even knew this person existed so why should you be turned into an emotional puddle when they leave? When this person was a stranger you didn't care if your phone rang or worry if you were going to see them on a Saturday night. Why does it matter now?

There may be no real answer to those questions. Just like love has been called an incurable disease, the devastation of losing someone may simply be just an emotional enigma. The only thing you know is that you can know for sure is time is your enemy as well as your friend and that keeping busy is your only real comfort.

When you dealing with heartbreak, happy people are the worst people to seek out for advice. When you're down the last thing you need is to hear an eternal optimist try and tell you that "everything will be ok." You want someone that can understand and identify with your pain. Heartbreak has this horrible way of making you feel like you're alone in the world and happy people tend to have this amazing ability to alienate that condition.

This is not to say you should seek out the depressed. Unhappy people can also have a toxic effect when it comes to heartbreak. There's nothing that can make you feel worse than getting into a game of dueling misery. "You think you've got problems? Let me tell you about my life!" Misery may love company but when it comes to throwing a pity party there's usual only room at the table for one. The type of person that can help the heartbroken is someone who has truly lived life. This doesn't mean that they should be into Extreme Sports or are a CIA Agent. They just need to be a person who has experienced both good times and bad. Empathy is both soothing and healing to the heartbroken.

Unfortunately, it's also a quality that many people lack. Too many have had the misfortune of living their lives in a plastic bubble creating a world view that is both annoying and unrealistic. They solve every problem with a simple, "get over it." Somehow when someone imparts to you the notion, "I've been there and it does get better," you can actually start to feel something positive like hope.

Most heartbroken people don't lose sense of the logical. Yes, it's not the end of the world. Yes, they will get over it. Yes,they will eventually find someone new. Yes,they know they can find someone better. If you're heartbroken and can't understand this reality--then maybe you need professional help. However, all the logic in the world does not help quell the emotional turmoil that heartbreak create in the present. The pain, the obsessive need for "closure", even the unstoppable desire to call your ex. You can clean out ever closet, shop until you're broke, take hundreds of bubble baths and heartbreak still won't magically go away. When the pain is finally over those activities were merely a way to "kill time" while you heal.

This is the moment when time has now become your friend. When you first got your heart crushed, you hated time for passing so unbearably slow. Finally, enough time has passed that you actually feel better. You found proof that time does actually "heal all wounds." No self-help books or cleansing rituals can accomplish what the simple passage of time can.

So, as you seek advice on how to heal your heartbreak there is still no grand conclusion here. These words merely serve as another distraction from all the pain you feel inside. The time you spent reading this is merely more time you spent on the road towards feeling better. Confused? How do you heal your heartbreak? Just keep killing time.

Money Talk- Both the sides.

Money is certainly something which is often discussed in today's world. Hardly a day goes by without the subject of money being raised in most people's lives. However, it is highly debatable whether it is more important than other considerations, such as health and happiness, which some people consider to be of greater significance.

To begin with, it is often argued that having money enables people to exert influence over others. Wealthy businessmen, for example, are often the most highly respected members of society, and business tycoons are often consulted by world leaders, who then make policies which affect the whole population. As a consequence, money can be seen as the single most important factor of daily life.

Money is vital for survival. Western society is structured in such a way that, without money, people are deprived of the means to obtain proper nutrition and health care. Furthermore, in some cases where state benefits are inadequate, the inability to pay heating bills can indeed become a matter of life and death. This is clearly illustrated by the fact that, according to Social Services, the majority of deaths due to hypothermia each winter occur among low-income groups.

On the other hand, many people claim that one of the factors in life, which is undoubtedly of greater importance than money health. As Izaak Walton said, health is 'a blessing that money cannot buy'. What is more, money is of little consolation to those who are suffering from health problems. Despite the fact that money can pay for the best medical care available, this is no guarantee of a longer life.

In addition, most people would agree that personal happiness easily outweighs money in importance. Even if an individual is extremely rich, this does not necessarily lead to happiness. In some cases, the contrary is true and vast wealth brings with it a whole range of problems and insecurities. Genuine happiness cannot be bought and is usually independent of financial status.

On the whole, although there are those who would rank money as the single most important thing in life, the vast majority would disagree. Money, they argue, has an important part to play but perhaps the world would be a more harmonious place to live in if this were kept in proportion and society put more emphasis on moral issues.


When I talk to people about having multiple income streams, they say why are you so money minded. Having multiple sources of income is a topic which is definitely important, to be known and the need understood. How many times we have heard people say the following things:

1. Money, isn't everything.

2. You should be satisfied with whatever money you.

3. Don't be so money minded.

4. I don't care about money.

5. Money is not important.

and more phrases.

Well, with due importance to their thoughts, money might not be important for them. But, I surely bet, money is important to their milkman, money is important to their landlord, money is important to their banks if they have taken loans, money is important to the person who holds their mortgage, it is important when you go to a hospital. I can go along giving more examples. You may not need money but, almost every individual who is connected to you needs money. As a matter of fact, money is important to any individual living in a civilized city. Please do not try to cheat yourself by knowingly denying its importance. Nothing can take the place of money in the area where it is required. Therefore, to argue that it is not important is just illogical and meaningless.

The simple truth of you getting up in the morning and going to work is because money is important. I come across individuals saying, "It's all about satisfaction and not money". I fully agree if you are doing social service else you will show your displeasure immediately. If satisfaction is important - employers will hire only satisfied employees and not give money. Some people say money is not important just because they are unable to earn money or they say someone with more money is lucky. Luck does play a role in your financial success, it is never sufficient in and off itself. Some even go ahead and say too much money is bad.

Money is important - it is neither good nor bad. It depends on what you do with it. There are no free rides in the world, money is an effect which is always earned with effort and hard work. So, next time you get an opportunity to earn, go ahead and create another income stream.

Friday, 19 August 2011

How to Have Fun Alone

Have you caught up on everything you need to catch up on? The best thing about "me time" is you're not going to have any interruptions. So, catch up on that English paper, clean your room, and work on the things you love. Use this time to your advantage.

Go outside and enjoy nature. A solo hike allows you to observe nature without distractions of friends. You'll be surprised how fun and relaxing watching the clouds go by can be.

Learn to play a new instrument, like a guitar for example. This may require more effort to be put in, but it sure does fills up your time. In turn, you have gained a new skill you thought you never knew you had.

Pamper yourself. There are things which you might abhor like a face massage or a foot scrub which might you look like a sissy. But these things help soothe a person out. Go for it.

Take lots of random pictures. Take the most random pictures of yourself; pictures of your feet, pictures of you acting silly and sticking your tongue out, pictures of the ceiling or the kitchen sink.This is a great way to just have fun!

Read a book! Find a nice comfy spot, with a cold glass of any thing you like the most and read, read, read! It doesn't even have to be a book, it can be the latest issue of a magazine.

Experiment in the kitchen. Make a new fruit smoothie or funny shaped pancake! Let your inner chef be revealed!

Make a random rage comic strip. It's lots of fun if you use your family and your friends as the characters. You can make detailed people with perfect scenery, or you can make messy stick figures floating in the middle of the box. Either way is loads of fun! Put them into funny and ridiculous situations, and then when you see your friends again, you can show them! It's sure to get them laughing! Its for you abhishek :)

Drive somewhere fun; go to the mall and look around shops, you don't have to buy anything if you don't want to, you can just browse through things and see what there are.

Call someone you haven't heard from in a while. It helps.

Travel to foreign places. Without a friend telling you where to go and what do, the sky is the limit!

Observe other people. Groups of people are especially interesting...

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Finding The Meaning: Part II

The below quotes makes us think.... things we already know. But we forget them. Read.


“A man without fear is a man without hope.”

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

“All I think is if you can find work, stay healthy, find somebody to share it with, you're the ultimate success.”

“Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it gladly.  Because there is no work, love, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave.”

“Your potential is infinite.  You might do anything, really.”

“You have become their sadness and live in a different state of mind.”

“Then you get to an age where ‘what you might be’ gives way to ‘what you have been’.

Donnie Darko

“If the sky were to suddenly open up, there would be no law, there would be no rule.  There would be only you and your memories, the choices you’ve made and the people you’ve touched.”

“If God controls time, then all time is pre-destined.  Every living thing follows along a set path.  If you could see your path or channel, then you could see into the future.”

Dr. Zhivago

“There are two kinds of men and only two, and that young man is one kind.  He is high minded.  He is pure.  He’s the kind of man that the world pretends to look up to and in fact despises.”

Fight Club
“It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.”

"The things you own end up owning you."

Forrest Gump

“My Mama always said, ‘You got to put the past behind you before you can move on’.”

“Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're going to get.”

The Godfather

“A man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.”

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Find The Meaning!!!! Part I

The Alamo
“There's right and there's wrong.  You got to do one or the other.  You do the one and you're living.  You do the other and you may be walking around, but you're dead as a beaver hat.”

American Beauty
“Our marriage is just for show. A commercial for how normal we are when we're anything but.”

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
“For just one night let’s not be co-workers. Let's be co-people.”

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
“I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal.”

“In the end, the only thing you really own is your story.”

“Just because it is doesn't mean it should be.”

The Dreamers
“Inspiration is like a baby.  It does not choose a nice seemly hour to enter the world.”

Batman Begins
“If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely.”

“You always fear what you don’t understand.”

“Justice is about harmony, revenge is about you making yourself feel better.”

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
“I have vision and the rest of the world wears bifocals.”

The Big Lebowski
“Life does not stop and start at your convenience.”

“Every bum’s lot in life is his own responsibility, regardless of who he chooses to blame.”

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

7 Powerful Ways To Manipulate People

Before you read this. I just want you to know that this is a powerful tool and you have to use is wisely keeping in consideration life's karmic circle. Dont fuck anyone up please.

Have you ever thought of how to manipulate people and get unfair advantages of them? It is vital in achieving your goals. By the time you finish reading this post, you will discover 7 powerful ways to manipulate people.

1Consider the Weight of the Situation. It is always easy to alter a simple condition. What you just have to do is to project that you are a forward authority in any given matter. People always go for what has been proven right (especially by a reliable person). And if you are just simply good at that, you already have the world in your hands!
2. Unsolicited Helping or Rescuing. Help others even they do not request it, need it or want it. The goal is to make them owe you. The way this rule works is “if someone does you a favor, you owe him a favor in return”.
3. Sympathize With the Person. If you can trick people into thinking that you feel for them and that you stress the importance of their choice, it would be easy for you to modify the decision without them fully knowing that you are changing the whole scenario. You just have to be a good speaker and then everything comes right behind after.
4. Make People Insecure About Themselves. If the decision-maker starts his statement with “This will not work!” or “I’m bad at this!” you have all the chances to butt in your opinion that is supposed to stand above the one he currently holds. The goal is to be in the “after all I have done for you, and now you owe me” position.
5. Inspire People to Get Their Support. You have to make people believe that your opinion will matter and it will not put them in any trouble.
6. Use Your Power Wisely. Use physical, verbal, intellectual power, threats etc. to put people into “one up, I am right and you are wrong” position.
7. Body Language. Politicians use body language widely in elections to manipulate people. You can do it, too. There are certain positions of head (bending it to the right side) and body which creates powerful manipulative effect. Don’t underestimate this.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

I want to be Christopher Columbus.

Sometimes we are unable to see the beauty that surrounds us. The other day I was driving home, I generally keep pondering while driving regarding my life and things that affect me. I look up and I get a glimpse of the most beautiful sky I have ever seen. I light blue violet sky, an immense sky decorated with huge clouds moving as if a caravan is travelling towards a destination.

I kept staring, while in snatches I kept my eyes on the road. These things make you realize how small and miniscule our problems are. The whole massive magnitude of everything that surrounds us belittles all the issues centering our attention.

I took into account the little things that hurts me, makes me cring, makes me cry, kills me from from within. And then the whole world opens up. If the skies of NCR is so pretty imagine going around all over the globe savoring every sight that God has to offer us. Its a love story, a story where you are at peace. One with the world.

A constant intoxication of beauty all around me encourages me to take up this path. Where no one stops us, no strings attached at its ultimate form.

Wont it be amazing to follow the skies, keeping a check and not losing track. The sky would be the thread which you hold onto during this constant haze of discontinuity. A life of the blessed, a life which you truly want. Charting the road less travelled. In my wildest dream of discovering something new, i want to. I do.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Finding Patterns in Chaos

Most of us have studied in schools, been to colleges and are trying to make a living by working somewhere or the other. Trying their best or not but everyone is doing something. People like me who are working jobs keep on dragging themselves from one job to the other. Days pass, months pass by and then someday we see a pile of years behind us.

When we talk about finding patterns in chaos it might mean different things to different people. If a person let his/her life get the best of them then they are looking for a path, a light to follow, an escape route. A route which is never there.

A wise man once said that life will try to beat you down but you gotta get up and keep moving. So men who stand up straight and keep moving they are not the ones who one day realize that precious time has gone by. They are the ones who take an account of each and every moment of their lives. People who find patterns in chaos are the people who are living, living a delightful life does not mean being happy all the time.Life is like a conductor's baton, if it goes up eventually it will come down.

A person who can truly see his path is the one who keeps adding memories, happenings, highs and lows, joys and heartbreaks to the thread of life.

So when such people look back at their lives they look at a rich collage of varied colors.

So lets stop thinking our lives have hit a pattern..... There is no pattern. there is only chaos, we win when we can find patterns in this chaos.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Life as We know it!!!

Randomness of life baffles us from time and again. We are filled with hope, joy and excitement. However sorrow, misery, pessimism makes an inevitable return. We brave it a few times and succumb to it finally. But the randomness of life is life's most unique feature. Succumbing is for people who are blinded by there own misery, they blanket themselves in self pity.

One day you are sad and the next day something might happen which will turn you around like a bloody ulta sock.

So why not live for the ulta sock day.... Are heartaches heart failures?? No they are not, men have adapted since time unknown and everyone should man up and bring there A game to their daily lives.

Life will always be worth living and the randomness of life has some order in it. Everything that happens make you a better person.

Superman fucked up too. But he returned and he will keep returning to make the world a better and a safer place.