Saturday, 24 September 2011

Do People Deserve Second Chances?

Should we give people a second chance? Is forgiveness the responsibility of society as a whole or i it the responsibility of an individual.

This thought challenges us to look at the implications of allowing people the opportunity to 'right their wrongs'...

Many ancient cultures have long believed, that holding on to negative emotions such as anger, affects our health. By mentally living in the past, we are not free to experience the present, the mind manifests negative thought patterns that drag us down psychologically, and by continually going over such negative events we stay trapped. We suffer from anxiety, depression, and other stress related disorders, which physically manifests in the body for all to see like ulcers, high blood pressure and often other ailments that perhaps doctors have no explanation for.

Spiritually we are in crisis; we are out of touch with our inner selves, feeling lost and disconnected. Inner peace is replaced by internal chaos.

There is a myth about forgiveness, it is greatly misunderstood. Forgiveness is seen as a sign of weakness, to forgive must mean we are yielding, but nothing could be further from the truth. Imagine how it feels to hold onto a heavy weight constantly, when our mind holds on to past issues and emotions we carry the same burdens. Surely second chances and forgiveness go hand in hand, one depends on the other, which is not to say we forget, but if we all, as human beings, reflected on our own lives from time to time, perhaps we would not be so quick to judge those who are willing to give others a second chance.

QUOTES from Bloggers

"To truly forgive someone who has hurt you in someway takes incredible character and strength and I admire anyone who can openly do that and mean it.
I admit I don't find it so easy to really forgive people .
I will forgive to make peace but it can take me a long time to forget. "

"even if that person had done something really horrible/painful etc... forgiving them doesn't means that you'll allow them to do that to you again.... or for them to take advantage of it.

Its your own personal standards.... as long as you did the right thing... do good to yourself and others... thats all that matters..."

"forgiveness is a sign of strength, only when you are totally capable of getting even or revenge, revenge is like they say a dish that best served cold, so it feels good getting even, that's why it takes a lot of strength and character"

Forgiving Infidelity

Forgiving infidelity can be one of the hardest things that any man or woman is ever asked to do. Making the decision to get married or to have children pales in comparison to the monumental effort that is required to tell your spouse, and yourself, that you can forgive them for having an extramarital affair. You have been lied to, betrayed and heartbroken. You have had the reality of your world shattered and been forced to realize that some parts of the life that you have been leading have been a lie. Recovering from that shock is hard enough. Determining that you are willing to give the one that did this to you another chance is even harder.

Some people see forgiving infidelity as a sign of weakness. They believe in the old adage

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." They firmly feel that if someone cheats on you once, they will do it again. They will tell you that forgiving it is as good as allowing it and that doing so only makes you a doormat. For a person in love though, it may be harder to give up on your dream of a life together than it is to give up your anger. Neither choice is wrong and neither choice is one size fits all.

Sort it out for yourself.

If its me, I will always wait for a sign which will tell me all is good, fate plays a major role in our happiness. Sometimes we need to shed tears to avoid continuous misery. I dont know what that might be. But I will never let my faith dwindle. 

1 comment:

  1. yes evry1 deserves a second chance..evn d third 1 i think,,but not more than dat..coz chances r given for mistakes not for things done deliberately..well..dats wat my opinion is..though, nice post
