Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Take It: The Only Practical Way

Being practical is cliched with its massively repetitive use. I thought of myself as a hopeless romantic but i have seen me change. I think I am practical when it comes to personal relationships.

When i was in college being in a relationship had a different perspective altogether. It was all rosy but please understand practicality does not give you a bitter outlook at life or at love. It just makes you someone who can assess and beat the odds.

Gambling is the best example of understanding this situation. If you are betting against the house then you will lose, maybe today or maybe some other day. No one likes to lose so a smart gambler always remembers the percentages. Similarly have a third person's perspective in your own life. Be that third person. Pros and Cons will always remain a game until you can separate yourself out of the situation and give an unbiased conclusion.

Here is a extract from a very useful essay on the The Art of Being Practical:

"Action in this life is a must. Since action is called practice, persons who live on Earth have to be practical. This means that you cannot spend all day sitting down in a chair, passing the time imagining, worrying, and thinking, and in doing so, forgetting to use your body for performing those actions that need to be done.....

The whole life for a human being is how to survive: man has to be aware of this and be practical. If we are not deluding ourselves, we see why it is necessary that a person with knowledge has to be practical, and why he should not be sitting somewhere in a cave only having an idea of karm: that it is not action.

You are equipped with that knowledge and enlightenment which tells you that your life cannot be shut off: you should do those things that are useful for a human being to conduct. So if your knowledge gained over here or gained anywhere in the world does not inspire you to be practical, then it will not be called practical knowledge.

A human being, with a sense of inquiry to know more, will continue asking and asking and asking questions. But just asking questions and getting answers for whole days or whole months or whole years on end, will not allow you to be practical. And if you are not practical, you cannot sustain your life.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Do People Deserve Second Chances?

Should we give people a second chance? Is forgiveness the responsibility of society as a whole or i it the responsibility of an individual.

This thought challenges us to look at the implications of allowing people the opportunity to 'right their wrongs'...

Many ancient cultures have long believed, that holding on to negative emotions such as anger, affects our health. By mentally living in the past, we are not free to experience the present, the mind manifests negative thought patterns that drag us down psychologically, and by continually going over such negative events we stay trapped. We suffer from anxiety, depression, and other stress related disorders, which physically manifests in the body for all to see like ulcers, high blood pressure and often other ailments that perhaps doctors have no explanation for.

Spiritually we are in crisis; we are out of touch with our inner selves, feeling lost and disconnected. Inner peace is replaced by internal chaos.

There is a myth about forgiveness, it is greatly misunderstood. Forgiveness is seen as a sign of weakness, to forgive must mean we are yielding, but nothing could be further from the truth. Imagine how it feels to hold onto a heavy weight constantly, when our mind holds on to past issues and emotions we carry the same burdens. Surely second chances and forgiveness go hand in hand, one depends on the other, which is not to say we forget, but if we all, as human beings, reflected on our own lives from time to time, perhaps we would not be so quick to judge those who are willing to give others a second chance.

QUOTES from Bloggers

"To truly forgive someone who has hurt you in someway takes incredible character and strength and I admire anyone who can openly do that and mean it.
I admit I don't find it so easy to really forgive people .
I will forgive to make peace but it can take me a long time to forget. "

"even if that person had done something really horrible/painful etc... forgiving them doesn't means that you'll allow them to do that to you again.... or for them to take advantage of it.

Its your own personal standards.... as long as you did the right thing... do good to yourself and others... thats all that matters..."

"forgiveness is a sign of strength, only when you are totally capable of getting even or revenge, revenge is like they say a dish that best served cold, so it feels good getting even, that's why it takes a lot of strength and character"

Forgiving Infidelity

Forgiving infidelity can be one of the hardest things that any man or woman is ever asked to do. Making the decision to get married or to have children pales in comparison to the monumental effort that is required to tell your spouse, and yourself, that you can forgive them for having an extramarital affair. You have been lied to, betrayed and heartbroken. You have had the reality of your world shattered and been forced to realize that some parts of the life that you have been leading have been a lie. Recovering from that shock is hard enough. Determining that you are willing to give the one that did this to you another chance is even harder.

Some people see forgiving infidelity as a sign of weakness. They believe in the old adage

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." They firmly feel that if someone cheats on you once, they will do it again. They will tell you that forgiving it is as good as allowing it and that doing so only makes you a doormat. For a person in love though, it may be harder to give up on your dream of a life together than it is to give up your anger. Neither choice is wrong and neither choice is one size fits all.

Sort it out for yourself.

If its me, I will always wait for a sign which will tell me all is good, fate plays a major role in our happiness. Sometimes we need to shed tears to avoid continuous misery. I dont know what that might be. But I will never let my faith dwindle. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

A Lesson From the Bible

Contentment is one of life's greatest blessings(if learnt). But contentment is not something that can be sent down from heaven. It is a state of mind. It is not dependent upon our situation or our circumstances. Many people are contented and happy in circumstances where others would be thoroughly discontented. Some people are discontented under the most favorable circumstances. Contentment is a utopian world which we build ourselves. It is a state of mind we develop. It is an attitude toward things that comes to us through careful cultivation. It is something that lives inside us, not something that circumstances create.

We can view these things with indifference, ignoring responsibility, evading duty. When we have done our duty, met our responsibility, corrected those things that need correction so far as is possible for us, they we may have real contentment. Contentment does not mean surrender to conditions. It does mean being satisfied in the circumstances and conditions that exist for which we are not responsible.

There are many things people desire, which can never give them contentment. One man says, "If I had a million dollars, I could be contented." Another thinks if he had political preferment, that would satisfy his ambition and he would be content. Another has another thing to attain to make him content. These things when attained do not bring contentment. As already pointed out, contentment is a lesson learned, a state of the heart, an attitude toward things.

We must learn what desires to gratify and what desires to repress. We must learn what things can bring contentment and what things destroy it. We must avoid the latter while we seek the former. We must cultivate our spirits.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

What goes Around comes Around: It's poetry in motion.

For the early Buddhists, karma was non-linear. Other Indian schools believed that karma operated in a straight line, with actions from the past influencing the present, and present actions influencing the
future. As a result, they saw little room for free will. Buddhists, however, saw that karma acts in feedback loops, with the present moment being shaped both by past and by present actions; present actions shape not only the future but also the present. This constant opening for present input into the causal process makes free will possible.
Whether karma is to be considered self-imposed depends on how you look at free will. True, any person can change their karma at any time simply by changing their actions and responses. However, this does not mean that they are able to do so. Individuals, because of existing karma, are unable to take certain actions, or make certain responses, that would renovate their karma in the future.
All actions that radically change karma are transcendent actions.
 In order to change karma, you must first transcend karma, and see it from the outside, as it were. We are all potentially capable of doing this, because in addition to our ordinary consciousness, we have a higher consciousness. Trouble is, that higher consciousness usually remains mute, and seldom interferes with our physical lives. Running life from day to day is left up to ordinary consciousness.
Any time higher consciousness steps in and acts, our lives change radically and immediately, in what appears to us to be a miraculous manner.

Excerpts from Bloggers:
"Agree - maybe not instantly, but it happens.
People get what they give in life. If you treat people horribly, you're going to get yours some day - and if you treat me horribly, I can only hope I'm there to see you when you get yours - because I want you to see my face and realize what you've done to me & how it felt".

"The concept of karma (or "what goes around comes around" or "you reap what you sow" or however your philosophy du jour expresses it) is only generally true.
Evil exists, and continues to exist, despite sowing a lot of bad karma. Cruel people are not always subjected to cruelty. Catty people are not always the object of derision. It just doesn't work out that way.”
“I believe that what goes around increases the odds of what comes around being like itself (awkward, that). If you are vicious, the odds are increased that you will tend to place yourself in circumstances where you may be the victim of someone else's violence. But it is not a given."
My View:-
I personally feel that keeping a clean and guilt free conscience is the key in maintaining a healthy life. Sometimes things affect  us not in its literal sense, an allegory in play. We do something wrong and over think it to shreds, maybe physically we are not being derided for being evil but our subconscious is killing us.
It ‘s just not worth it, try to be in harmony with everyone around you and do not hurt people unnecessarily.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Tell Me Why People Cry!!

I was thinking lately- why do we cry? why do we cry when we are sad? Does it only happen when we get badly hurt? why does some cry when they are happy?
I mean, while laughing we are only taking out energy, but while crying- we are losing lot of water and minerals, so why? Are we losing stress by crying? Is there something in the tears that while losing it, it helps us feel better? How does it help? Is that only an ancient wont that meant to show others we are not feeling well? or well, exciting or something? that we are over normal?

Is it easier for the body to reduce stress by losing water and minerals so it will be diverted by the need of some material, so we will have something to do (fill the supply again) instead of thinking about the ungood?

Is it good to cry when we are overwhelming?
- - WHY CRY?

There is an obvious *purging* of stress with healthy crying (as opposed to dysfunction depression) is it merely a surrogate content?

Do other species cry?

Some species will cry in response to physical pain (horses I vaguely remember) but is this equating physical and emotional pain valid?

Why the association of tear function for eyes and the expression of distress in our species?

Tears have a very normal function with respect to maintaining our eyes and vision but this association with the psychology of stress is not *obvious* and would be interesting to develop further as it is so universal a phenomenon.

Extreme joy and sorrow can both be physically a lot alike in terms of actual *stress* to the system.

For example I really don't get hurt of words (definitely not cry from it), and I don't cry from physical pain usually, and I also am not crying from happiness, and well, mentally- I think I am pretty strong too... but what does bring tears to my eyes?

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Dunno Why I Remembered Sophocles Today

Sophocles was the one who based the guidelines of a tragic hero.

Hmmm thinking about Michael Henchard(The Mayor of Casterbridge) post drinking can never be a good thought.

So below are the guidelines which you will consciously avoid for a meaningful life.

1. a leader in his society, exemplifying both the good and bad elements of that society ('a person neither wholly good nor bad').

2. disclosed to the audience at the height of his prosperity, power, and influence in that social group so that his fall from its favour will seem that much greater (and, therefore, more tragic).

3. driven to his fall (social alienation, suffering, death, or exile) by some innate flaw (Greek: hamartia) in his nature, yet appear to have the ability to alter his course. (In other words, he should appear to possess free will, and yet be a victim.)

4. made a scapegoat for the sins or errors of his people--and accordingly be exiled or punished by them in such a way that his suffering is irreversible (since Oedipus is blinded, his suffering cannot be reversed).

5. the cause of his own punishment through his own pride (hubris).

6. ready to take upon himself the burden of his society's (and hence the audience's) sense of guilt, shame, or short-coming.

7. grander and more noble as the result of his futile struggle with fate.

8. through his suffering instrumental in the resolution of a problem that plagued his society at the outset, and in the restoration of a harmony that was not present at the opening of the play. Our grieving over the destruction of the hero but our relief over the restoration of social harmony produces in the audience what Aristotle termed "catharsis" or "tragic satisfaction" through the purgation of pity and fear.

Please never indulge is hubris.

Take it Easy.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Please Balance Out Your Life!!!!!

A beautiful article I read Somewhere......

Balance is an essential component of happiness. When all aspects of your life are in harmony, it puts your mind, body, and spirit on an equal level. The definition of balance will be completely different from person to person. It is up to you to find the balance that is right for you. However, living simple will always help you create balance in your life.

Many of us have lives that are like a person attempting to walk a tight rope for the first time. We buckle. We wobble. We try to stay on by flailing our arms. But eventually, no matter how hard we try, we fall off the edge.

Some of us will give up. Some of us will get back on the tight rope and try again. Some of us will find a whole new way to balance. Those of us who find a new way to balance our like people riding bicycles. The balance is tricky at first, but once you get some speed and gain momentum, it is completely natural to stay in balance. Living a simple life is like riding that bicycle. It does not guarantee that we won’t ever fall off, but it greatly increases our chances of staying in balance.

Finding balance in your life can be a difficult thing. It most certainly will not happen overnight. There will be many hours of contemplation, reflection, imagination, frustration, and inspiration involved in the process. And even if you do find balance in your life, that balance may morph and change as your life changes. Things that are important to you now may mean nothing to you five years from now. Achieving balance in your life will be an ever changing experience.

Complications in your life make finding balance a much more difficult task. That is why I suggest living a simple life to help you create balance in your life. The less things you have to deal with in life, the better. Balancing five stones on top of each other is much easier than balancing thirty stones. The more we can focus on individual aspects of our lives, the better. When we spread ourselves too thin, our balance is bound to be thrown off.

Ways To Create Balance By Living Simple

Learn from others – Observe your friends and family. Which ones are successful, happy, and seem to live a quality life? What is differentiates their lives from yours? What habits do they have? Don’t be afraid to talk to them and ask them questions about how they live their life. Finding balance should never have to be a lonely task.

The above factor though less mentioned is the key for happy living. The below pointers are ones which everyone is aware of. But we need to understand the need get out of our shells. One should never be conscoius enough to not ask for help. Watching others will motivate you, inspire you.

Forget multi-tasking, single-task instead – By putting your full focus and energy on one specific task at a time, your best work is achieved. Put quality before quantity. Always strive for excellence in all that you do. Do few things, but do them well.

Spend more time with friends and family – Never forget your loved ones. They are the ones that will catch you when you are about to fall. They are the ones who will guide you when you are lost. They are the ones that will support you when you are feeling weak. Cherish them and provide the same support for them. Always let the people who are important in your life know how much they mean to you. It can never be said too much.

Eat healthy –  Implementing a simple, healthy diet into your life will not only make you feel better and more balanced. Eating fast food or prepackaged food not only costs more, but has less nutritional value. Don’t forget to enjoy and savor what you eat. Throw in a bit of alcohol or any vice which helps you relax. We are not saints so lets stop pretending.

Exercise regularly – The quote above can be applied to this one as well. Exercise is needed to balance out the time that you are inactive. Combine this with a healthy diet and your body will be balanced physically.

Spend less than what you make – This simple principle is easy to understand, but can be difficult to live by. If you are in mounds of debt, that is obviously going to disrupt the balance in your life. By spending less than what you make, you can slowly get out of debt and stay out of debt.

Integrate your passions with your career – Having a job that you are passionate is so important in achieving balance. A good chunk of everyone’s life will be spent at work. If there is no meaning or passion behind your job, it will have a negative affect on you. Following your passion in your career might not yield you as much money, but it will bring you much more happiness and balance. The benefit of living a simple life is that you don’t need that much money to sustain yourself anyway, so money should not be a problem.

Rid yourself of material possessions – Having too much stuff can make you feel trapped or weighed down. Give away or sell the things that you never use anymore. When you go shopping, ask yourself: “Do I really need this?”

Write in a journal or blog – If you are anything like me, then you have ideas and thoughts swirling throughout your brain all day. Writing your thoughts and ideas down helps you remember them and make sense out of them. It can provide insight as to what areas of your life need work and what areas are going smoothly.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Vent It All Out

Our lives are a roller coaster ride. There are ups and there are downs. How do you deal with the downs? Do you avoid them? Or do you use this latent rage within you to find something new about yourself?

Pain is an opportunity. Pain gives us the gift of growth. Something is shouting out for a change. If we pause and open this gift, we find a huge reserve of strength and love. Sometimes when the pain is large enough, we have no choice but to look at it anyway. My largest pains have helped to open the greatest growths in my life.

Finding a healthy way to vent can even help to relieve anxiety, something more and more of us are suffering from in these times. Those who don’t find a healthy way of venting often stuff it inside until they explode one day or get into the habit of finding ways to numb themselves, such as eating. Venting can help to truly relieve stress, which is known to cause many ailments and “dis-eases” in our bodies. Lets never rely on "Serenity Now" and "Insanity Later" philosophy.

Before true clarity can be reached on why something is happening, it is best to free up the strong energy that arises from the frustration of the situation. Once that energy has been expressed, you can rest in the stillness, while still connected to the power of emotion, to reach theepitomy of clarity. It is here where our insight is at a natural high. The Openness that  we feel after pain provides an arena for our personal emotional growth. We can release the ties to these situations and grow beyond them.

Here are some ways to vent out the frustrations, sadness, and anger that arise as a normal part of growing and a healthy life:

When you feel deeply sad, crying works beautifully. Often when we cry, we want a shoulder to cry on. If none is available, cry to yourself and receive it with love. Either way, allowing yourself the space to cry can work wonders on freeing up the stored up energy inside that is too much to contain within. While crying connect with the pain you feel and cry into it.

If you feel very angry, you may feel the desire to hit something. A very healthy way of exerting this powerful energy is to punch a pillow. Hit the pillow like it’s the person/thing you are angry at. Yell and cuss at it as well if that helps to release that tension. Cuss words are great at opening up that stored up energy and getting to the root of your emotions. As you hit, smash into that frustration and feel exactly what aspects of it are making you angry.

Writing can help to clear the overwhelm of information in your head. It allows a pouring out of what is going on inside. Once you’ve written all you can, some things will still stand out or certain feelings may still be felt strongly. These are the largest lessons in the situation. Writing provides a great clarity that other ways may not give. You can easily reflect on what you were feeling in the situation once the emotion has passed in an effort to keep the lesson fresh in your mind and heart. Some people enjoy tearing up the pages after they’ve written as a way to exert their frustration.

Some of your most frustrating days in your life may turn out to be your best days in the gym. As Jen Olewinski so beautifully puts it, “Plus, getting in shape can’t be that bad right?” Running, boxing and walking all allow great ways to vent. Many spiritual people find their way into their deepest connections through opening the door to regular exercise. Exerting energy in this way, with a regular commitment to their health, opens them like nothing else.

Start pouring out. There is nothing more to write under this heading.

Create Art.
What better to do than to channel this energy into creating something beautiful? Pain can be the greatest inspiration for few and for some it might just guide you into randomness of forced perfection.